Excecutive Directors Books
Fifty-two short narratives weave lighthearted stories with insightful lessons to help the reader ponder their chosen identity. Using a meaningful and profound approach to understanding how the discovery of self-imagery lends itself to richer life purpose, this book helps enhance the reader’s insights into the concept of self through guided questions found at the end of each weekly reading. Every chapter can stand alone as its own individual tool or can be used as a building block for the other materials. As a self-study, this book provides a guided journaling approach to ponder weekly reflective questions. While as a group-study, it can serve as a point of dialogue for collective discussion. By exploring self-imagery within an individualistic or group setting, readers will walk away with fresh analogies and metaphors to better understand oneself with regards to creating intentional living.
With a light-hearted touch, Kiley Fleming deconstructs our innate human instinct to communicate through images in Conflict Imagery: Developing a Reflective Framework. Rather than a set of instructions, Fleming offers a discussion in metaphors alongside personal anecdotes to prove her case by example—that finding common ground (and creating shared understanding) relies fundamentally on imagery. Her unique paradigm rooted in reflection, research, and practice is designed to help parties move towards compromise and feel empowered in the process.
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Contact our office at (515) 331-3081, [email protected] or
1441 29th street, Suite 120. West Des Moines, IA 50266